Vlad"s Software Development Toolbox

Friday 27 April 2007

Variable Value Types - V1.1.0.0

Free Download

EnvMan- EnvMan-source-


  • Added Variable Type recognition in the edit form
  • Added forms location, size and state saving and loading using application settings (Bug Tracker ID: 1705001)

Functionality Changes

This version includes change in the Edit Form contributed by Mariusz. Edit form now shows an icon representing the type of the Value, which are folder, word, number, or a file. Thank you for contributing for the project, Mariusz. This version of the program also remembers the location, size and state the program window was after closing.


If you need to upgrade from earlier version of the program download latest release and than replace corresponding exe and dll files by removing the old ones and installing new versions of files. Thank you everyone who responded to this project affords.

Wednesday 18 April 2007

Getting Started Guide - V1.0.0.0

Free Download

EnvMan- EnvMan-source-

User Guide


Windows Environment Variables Manager (EnvMan) is a tool written in C# .Net intended to handle the administration of Windows Shell Environment Variables. It is designed to replace Control Panel System Environment Manager and easily manage long variable values.


In order to run this program you need to have .Net 2.0 runtime installed. After installing .Net 2.0 runtime download program binaries from the EnvMan Project Website. Unzip EnvMan-x.x.x.x.zip file to where you want and set a short cut to EnvMan.exe file to desktop or start menu. You are now ready to run application. In the future we are planning to offer a choice of Windows Installer (MSI) setups and "ClickOnce" for installations and upgrades.

Getting Started Guide

Windows Environment Variables Manager (EnvMan) has a simple interface similar to common Environment Variables Editing tool in Systems control panel. Main screen lists User and System Environment Variables. "New", "Edit", "Delete" buttons allow create new environment variable, edit existing ones and delete. By clicking "New" and "Edit buttons Edit screen is shown. Enter Variable name and at least one value in the grid to create a new variable. You can use Up/Down arrow buttons on right of the grid to change order of the rows. Folder button allows to select specific path as a value. Delete button removes selected value from the grid. Once you are ready click Save button or Cancel if no change needed. Changes will be reflected in the Main Screen grid.

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Windows Environment Variables Manager Home

EnvMan-1.3 Free Download

  • BT1828033 Escape to Close
    • Added Ctrl+X Shortcut on Main Form Exit File Menu
  • BT843838 Program does not check for changes on Cancel in Edit Form
    • Added checking for user changes and prompt to save it on Cancel.
  • Added Release version display in Main Form Title bar
  • Added colour change for rows with invalid value paths in Main Form
  • Minor GUI Improvements


  • Simple Interface similar to System Environment Manager in Windows Control Panel. More...
  • Create, Delete and Edit long variable and their values visually with few button clicks
  • Variable values displayed by type and missing files/folders detected. More...
  • Unlimited Undo/Redo for Editing. More...
  • Variable Import/Export. More...
  • Vista compatible. More...
  • Automatic new version update notification. (Planned)
  • Portable EnvMan. (Planned)
  • Import/Export of All System Variables. (Planned)
  • Support for different languages. (Planned)


Tips for Developers

Resolving file corruption error in settings file Versioning for EnvMan Working with generic SortedList in revers order Running Windows Environment Variables Manager on Vista Integrating PartCover with Visual Studio 2005

History of Releases and User Guides

Getting Started Guide - V1.0.0.0 Variable value types - V1.1.0.0 Interface improvements - V1.1.0.1 Fixed minimum form sizes - V1.1.0.2 Unlimited Undo/Redo - V1.1.1.0 Remember Row Position in the Grid - V1.1.2 Variable Import/Export - V1.2 Input Validation - V1.2.1 - V1.2.2 Save changes on Cancel? - V1.3