Vlad"s Software Development Toolbox

Monday 24 December 2007


Windows Environment Variables Manager is a free and open source tool aiming to help make usage of computer easier and will stay like this in the future as a gift to online community. By donating you will not only show the usefulness of this program, but also support the future development of it. We would like to ask a minimum donation of $5.00 AU, but any amount is appreciated. Thank you!


To donate, click on the PayPal button with preferred country and currency.


PayPal requires some personal information from you in order to create and establish an account. Some of this info such as your name, e-mail address and donation amount will be send to our PayPal account. We assure that the details of any donation received by our PayPal account will be kept private and never sold or given out to any third party.

Any Questions?

Send email to envmng@gmail.com (English only)

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