Saturday, 4 April 2009

New Version Check - V1.4

Free Download
SHA1 HASH: A9A517EA9F19B8E49FB07387FB0B7C9E15084C1D


  • BT1795598 Auto Updates Manager
    • Implemented Automated Updates Manager notifications
    • Added connection through Proxy server for Automated Updates Manager
    • Added version display for Beta versions
    • Added Settings screen to control Proxy settings and number of instances
  • BT2023866 Saving Variables changes registry variable type 
    • Added handling of extensible variables
    • Fixed Variable Type Validation
    • EnvMan allows only one running instance

Functionality Changes

EnvMan 1.4 release candidate 1 is ready for download. The main change in the release is fix for extendable variables.


Now it is possible to use ‘%’ notation to specify that variable is extendable. The Tool Tip it will expand a value to show the full path.


Added new version notification check. Every time program starts, it tries to check if now version is available and notification appear as part of the menu. By clicking on the notification menu it will open a new version download page.


It is also possible manually check for a new version by selecting ‘Check for Updates…’ in the Help menu. New version notification will be shown as a message box with option to download.


Added Settings dialog to control how many instances of EnvMan can run and Proxy Server settings for Release Checker.

SettingsPage1 SettingsPage2

In case of network problem error will be shown as status bar notification or message box.



Sunday, 22 March 2009

Integrating PartCover with Visual Studio 2005

To help myself with developing unit tests and have a control over which parts of the code get executed I decided to add code coverage tool to a collection of Third-party tools. I looked at NCover, TestDriven.Net and PartCover. My choice is stopped on PartCover. This is an open source code converge tool and very much similar to NCover. I missed the ability to run it directly from Visual Studio like TestDriven.Net runs NCover so I looked around and found a way of integrating it into Visual Studio 2005. Unfortunately there is no way of running PartCover code explorer along with PartCover report generator and NUnit in the single command so I had to write PartCover.cmd batch script to combine execution of these tools. Below is a sample content of that file. If you are using EnvMan source code please check out PartCover from ThirdParty in SNV.


REM === Start PartCover.cmd ===
"C:\Path\To\PartCover\partcover.exe"--target "C:\Path\To\NUnit\nunit-console.exe"--target-work-dir %1 --target-args %2 --output %1\partcover.xml --include %3

"C:\Path\To\PartCover\PartCover.Browser.exe" %1\partcover.xml
REM === End PartCover.cmd ===

Integrating PartCover with Visual Studio 2005

To integrate PartCover with Visual Studio select menu Tools\External Tools ...
In the External Tools Dialog box click Add and enter the following data in the fields.


Part Cover




[*Assembly Regular Expression*]*

Initial Directory:


Tick Use output Window and Prompt for Arguments. Click OK

Running PartCover

To run PartCover select EnvManTest project and use Part Cover from Tools menu. Because we ticked "Prompt for Arguments" the following dialog box appears.

Replace "Assembly Regular Expression" with "EnvMan" so it looks like this [*EnvMan*]*. Please look at PartCover documentation for more details about regular expressions. After OK is clicked output window of Visual Studio will show a progress of the coverage test and Part Cover Code Browser window will appear. At the moment it will not show any code until we open generated partcover.xml report file.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Developer's Getting Started Guide

I would like to thank you for interest in contributing to this project as a developer. This is a guide to help you get started as quickly as possible with all relevant information and resources.


  • Visual Studio 2008 [Express] (Yes. I have just made conversion of projects to VS 2008 and this will be the future development IDE)
  • Visual Studio 2005 [Express]. Use a corresponding solution file to open a project.
  • SVN or TortoiseSVN


All source code is located at SourceForge SVN address

Directory structure

SVN directory structure is shown below. Trunk is the main point of integration between development code in branches. EnvMan    - branches    - tags    - trunk ThirdParty    - NUnit    - PartCover All development is happening at branches. So if you are interested to work on one of the feature requests listed at SourceForge tracker or have your own idea or suggestion, a new copy of the trunk will be created at branches for this work. Thought, before starting anything, ask at Development Forum for direction.

Local Development Directory

On the development computer the following directory structure need to be created to limit the need of project changes and references. This directory structure can be located on any drive or folder. I put my development in folder called Dev and all related projects under it. So we create a structure below. Dev    - EnvMan       - BT00XXX_Feature1       - EnvMan 1.2       - ...       - trunk    - ThirdParty       - NUnit       - PartCover As you can see all development directories under branches in SVN on the local computer are located in EnvMan along with trunk. This is done to keep all references between trunk and branches the same. All test projects reference NUnit Framework dll located in ThirdParty\NUnit\bin.

Start Coding

Now we can fire up Visual Studio 2008 or 2005 and make a full build of the project. If you want to quickly build a whole project without running Visual Studio there are build batch files that use msbuild tool to make a full build. Enjoy!


General Coding/Programming Forum SourceForge Bug Tracker Integrating PartCover with Visual Studio

Monday, 31 March 2008

EnvMan Forums

Welcome to EnvMan Forums. Feel free to browse through the listings and choose which ones you would like to sign up to receive updates regularly. Here you can leave a feedback, post a bug report, ask a question or join a development team. To subscribe click on Subscribe link and send a blank E-Mail to a list.

EnvMan Discussion

Forum General Discussion & Questions You have a suggestion, question, request or just want to talk about EnvMan. Post your messages to this list. Send Message Subscribe
Forum Troubleshooting & Bug Report You found a bug? Please tell us about it. Send Message Subscribe
Forum Localization Want to have EnvMan in your language? Look in here. Send Message Subscribe

EnvMan Programming / Development

Forum General Coding / Programming Want to ask questions about EnvMan development and/or source code? Post your messages to this list. Send Message Subscribe

Monday, 24 December 2007


Windows Environment Variables Manager is a free and open source tool aiming to help make usage of computer easier and will stay like this in the future as a gift to online community. By donating you will not only show the usefulness of this program, but also support the future development of it. We would like to ask a minimum donation of $5.00 AU, but any amount is appreciated. Thank you!


To donate, click on the PayPal button with preferred country and currency.


PayPal requires some personal information from you in order to create and establish an account. Some of this info such as your name, e-mail address and donation amount will be send to our PayPal account. We assure that the details of any donation received by our PayPal account will be kept private and never sold or given out to any third party.

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